September 21, 2024
Mission II – Kinéis Killed The RadIoT Star

Mission II Kinéis "Killed The RadIoT Star" successful
On September 21st at 1:01 AM French time, space welcomed 5 new Kinéis nanosatellites, marking a crucial milestone in the deployment of the constellation.

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September 2024
Imminent takeoff

The 5 nanosatellites of the 2nd mission are positioned with precision aboard the Electron rocket, ready for launch on September, the 19th.

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July - August 2024
Further industrialization

Integration activities continue in the clean room at Hemeria.

See the video

June 2024
Mission I – No Time Toulouse

Successful first lauch:"No Time Toulouse"
On June 20 at 8:13 p.m. sharp (Paris time), Kinéis reached a major milestone with the successful first launch by Rocket Lab of its first 5 nanosatellites, marking the beginning of the deployment of our IoT constellation composed of 25 nanosatellites.

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June 2024
The fairing
Rocket Lab teams meticulously sealed the fairing, with our first five satellites installed by the milimeter inside.
June 2024
Ready to fly

The first 5 satellites of our constellation are meticulously encapsulated into the upper stage of the rocket.

May 2024
First 5 satellites arrive safely at Rocket Lab

After their 7-day journey, the satellites arrived at the launch site in perfect condition, and the GO was given to start campaign activities.
The teams on site are mobilised to ensure the preparation and optimum configuration of the satellites in order to guarantee the best technical conditions for the launch and separation phase.

More information

May 2024
First 5 satellites ready for space

Our first 5 nanosatellites are on their way to New Zealand for the final countdown.

See the video

April 2024
First 5 satellites ready for space

It's with great emotion that we announce the completion of our 1st batch of 5 satellites. The Kinéis and Hemeria teams have carried out the final mechanical, thermal and functional tests. Our 5 satellites are ready to leave for New Zealand!

April 2024
Dress Rehearsal!
The integrated Kinéis-CNES teams simulated LEOP's 48 hours of non-stop operations. The Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) is one of the most critical stages of our mission, representing the moment when our satellites transition from launch mode to nominal mode in which all satellite’s functionalities are on.
March 2024
Highlight on our UHF antennas

Our antennas are the result of cutting-edge research and development lead by Comat and Cobham. crafted to perfection for our missions. They are tailor-made for our mission and develop impressive performance.
Each satellite has 2 types of antennas fully dedicated to IoT connectivity, the UHF and the S-band which merge into the self-deploying UHF-S antenna.

> See the video

March 2024
Positioning nanosatellites: preparing teams for post-launch operations

The Kinéis and CNES teams carried out Technical Operational Qualification (TOQ) tests during the 2 days following launch(Launch Early Operation Phase, LEOP).
The aim was to finalise the procedures and the chronology of operations for the first 48 hours of the nanosatellites after separation from the launcher.

> Read the full article

March 2024
Press Visit

On March 7th, Kineis opened the doors of its partner, Hemeria, to the media, institutions, and its collaborators. The objective was to unveil the stages of the production of Kineis nanosatellites.
The visit highlighted the work and technical innovations achieved by our teams and industrial partners.

> See the video
> Read the press release

February 2024
Fifteenth station in Mexico
The La Paz ground station is the 5th GRS to be deployed across the Americas. There are 2 in Canada (Inuvik and Toronto) and 2 in South America (French Guiana and Chile).
February 2024
Fourteenth station in EASTER ISLAND

Our teams have installed the 14th ground station in the Kinéis system.
Easter Island GRS is the third to be deployed in the Pacific Ocean, after French Polynesia and New Caledonia.

> Read the full article

February 2024
Thirteenth Station in Australia

The first Kinéis GRS of 2024 has been installed in Alice Springs, Australia.
It consists of 2 parabolic antennas and 3 UHF (Ultra High Frequency) antennas, 2 of which are for transmitting and 1 for receiving messages.

January 2024
Industrialization of the 1st kineis nanosatellites

Our partner Hemeria has begun the production of the 25 nanosatellites.
he first 4 nanosatellites are currently being manufactured to build the batch of the first 5 satellites (4 + the flight model satellite, the Proto-Flight Model) which will take off next June from New Zealand

January 2024
Your Drawing in Space

The 15 children winners of the "Your Drawing in Space" competition were received with their parents at Hemeria in Toulouse, where the satellites are produced, to admire their engraved drawings. The drawings were engraved on metal plates ready to be integrated into the satellites before their launch this summer.

> More information

January 2024
Announcement of the first launch window

The launch window for the first of the 5 launches will be between 10 June and 9 July 2024. The launches to orbit the Kineis constellation will be carried out using the Electron micro-launcher of Rocket Lab vehicle on the Pacific coast of New Zealand's North Island.

January 2024
Announcement of the first launch window

Kinéis reveals its patch, federator and emblem of all space missions.
The patch woven in our colours represents the most important aspects of the Kinéis project: global connectivity, a network of ground stations, varied applications and the end user. An essential collector's item in this exceptional year of launches.

> See the video

November 2023
Electromagnetic testing of Proto-Flight Model in anechoic chamber

The Kinéis and Hemeria teams carried out ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) tests on the Proto-Flight Model (PFM) of the Kinéis satellite
Find out more

November 2023
Technical qualification tests
The joint Kinéis-CNES teams carried out with success the technical qualification tests for the delicate Launch Early Operations Phase (LEOP).
November 2023
Twelfth ground station in Chile
September 2023
Kinéis sets up its eleventh ground station in Toronto
August 2023
The proto-flight model stands up to the shock of vibrations!

Teams from Kinéis and Hemeria  carried out vibration tests on the Proto-Flight Model (PFM)
Find out more

July 2023
Tenth ground station in New Caledonia
July 2023
Ninth ground station in Gabon
July 2023
Thermal VACuum tests
July 2023
Eighth ground station in French Polynesia
French Polynesia hosts the 8th ground station
June 2023
Opening of our Singapore subsidiary
The Kinéis representative office in Singapore becomes a subsidiary and covers all countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
June 2023
Seventh ground station in Indonesia
Kinéis sets up its 7th ground station in Indonesia
May 2023
Proto Flight Model
Integration of first flight model nears completion
March 2023
Sixth ground station in South Africa
Two additional antennas are installed in South Africa
February 2023
Fifth ground station o, Réunion Island
Installation of the 5th ground station with two antennas
December 2022
Your drawing in space
15 winning children's drawings from the "Your drawing in space" competition will be engraved and integrated into the satellites.
December 2022
First AIS and UHF+S antennas
Receipt of the first flight models of the AIS and UHF+S antennas for integration into the PFM satellite (proto flight model)
October 2022
Fourth ground station in Canada
October 2022
Third station in Guyana
Third ground station deployed in French Guyana
September 2022
Second station in Sweden
The ground station in Sweden, located near the pole, consists of 4 antennas
August 2022
Opening of our subsidiary in Brazil
Kinéis sets up in Rio to develop the South American market.
May 2022
First ground station in Toulouse
Kinéis deploys the first of its 20 ground stations near Toulouse
January 2022
Opening of a subsidiary in Washington
Kinéis expands into the US market
September 2021
Kinéis to take off with Rocket Lab
With five dedicated Electron launcher, Rocket Lab guarantees the flexibility and customized approach needed to open up the entire Kinéis space IoT connectivity service.
April 2021
First antenna tests
First antenna performance tests in BCMA room (compact antenna measurement base) carried out at Cnes
February 2020
Fundraising of 100 million euros
Kinéis becomes the first constellation of nanosatellites dedicated to IoT, fully financed
June 2018
Creation of Kinéis
Initiated and supported by Cnes (the French space agency) and CLS, Kinéis has inherited 40 years of expertise in data collection.

About us

Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.

© kineis – IoT everywhere – 2023

Google Business Profile

Contact us

11, rue Hermes
31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne

+33 5 61 39 47 00